Life With Grandpa: Food Obsessions

Friday, January 8, 2016

Living with my grandpa meant feeling free to indulge in many ridiculous eats.  While Grandpa is not a very adventurous eater, we both took comfort in sharing some of the basics.  Cakes, cookies, donuts, and cinnamon rolls were always found in the house with the excuse that he was buying them for me.  It wasn't unusual for us to boil up some corn on the cob right before an episode of Big Bang Theory.  We enjoyed the occasional Arby's meal and a dinner out at Applebee's.

Most evenings, of course, meant a wonderful meal waiting for me when I walked through the door cooked by my grandfather.  Each night we sat down to a dinner that lasted long past our plates were cleared and Grandpa would discuss some story or another from his childhood or young adulthood.  It was the time I let the phone buzz and ignored it willingly, enjoying the walk down memory lane Grandpa took me on.

Today is my Grandpa's 82nd Birthday  Since I can't be with him today, I put together a list of my favorite food related Grandpa quotes.

"I only gave her three spoons of coffee, why are you so mad?"
- On why I got pissed when my cat Charlie started zipping around the house

Me: "It smells good at least."
Grandpa: [Laughs] "It won't taste good."
- Failing at baking my first pie, which tasted horrible

Me: "Holy crap, Grandpa.  Didn't we just buy three boxes of these [Italian Ices] at Costco?"
Grandpa: "Oh yeah, I had two boxes already."

"Now him, I don't like.  He never smiles! Its like he eats lemons for breakfast."
- On the Boston Red Sox manager

Grandpa: "I bought those cinnamon rolls for you."
Me: "There's only one left in a package of six.  Where did the other five go?"
Grandpa: [Laughs and walks away]

"Boy, Wendy.  She ate a lot of hamburgers."
- On a Wendy's commercial

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